I hear a lot of people question whether reward travel is for them. They worry it is too complicated or too good to be true. Here is what I tell them — I firmly believe anyone can use credit card rewards to book amazing trips. Moreover, you can tailor reward travel to fit your style.

Maybe you’re apprehensive and want to start slow with a couple of cards to cover some quick weekend escapes. Or, perhaps you’re ready to dive headfirst into travel hacking like I did. It’s all possible! Whichever path you choose, setting yourself up for success is essential. So, let’s review some basic points and miles do’s and don’ts to help you achieve maximum reward travel success.

travel hacking 101 points and miles do's and don'ts

Points and Miles DO’S

  1. DO get organized – In this game, organization is key. You’ll want to keep track of what cards you signed up for and when. You’ll want to note the annual fee, sign-up bonus, and whether you decide to keep the card or downgrade at the end of the year.
  2. DO pay your balance in full – You cannot carry a balance on your credit cards. END.OF.STORY. The most important key to success in travel hacking is paying off your balances every month.
  3. DO redeem for what makes you happy – There’s no such thing as a bad redemption! As you dive more into this hobby, you will learn that there are some excellent ways to redeem miles and some that aren’t so great. I truly believe, though, that the best redemption is the one that works best for your family. Would I love to score some sweet first-class seats at off-peak reward pricing? Of course! In reality, though, our vacation planning revolves around our kids’ school schedules. So sometimes, we book trips at a less-than-ideal redemption rate. It stings a little, but what is the alternative? To not take trips?? NOPE!
a chart of the do's and don'ts when getting started in travel hacking

Points and Miles DON’TS

  1. DON’T carry a balance – Sorry. I know I’m being repetitive here. But, you cannot carry a balance on any of your cards. Credit card interest rates are INSANELY high, and if you carry a balance on any of your cards, it will instantly negate any perks or trips you earn with points and miles.
  2. DON’T be a hoarder – Points and miles are like currency; you work hard to accumulate them, and it can be tempting to feel like you need to save them. However, airlines and hotels are constantly devaluing their redemption rates. If you are saving miles without a redemption plan in mind, they will inevitably lose value the longer you hold them. Make sure you are always working towards a particular trip – earn those miles and burn them, baby!
  3. DON’T close a card before you have had it at least a year – Once you open a new card, you must keep it open for at least a year. If you close it before it has been a whole year, a few things happen. 1) That bank will get mad and may not approve you for future credit card applications, and 2) they will take back the points you earned from the sign-up bonus. Both of these are HUGE bummers, so avoid them at all costs.

In Conclusion

Travel hacking is incredibly rewarding, and I believe anyone can succeed in it. The key is to build a strong foundation before jumping in. Follow these points and miles do’s and don’ts, and you will be well on your way to travel hacking success!